Sustaining Change: Leadership That Works (Wiley, 2008); co-author with Professor Malcolm Higgs
Still Moving: The Inner and Outer Game of Change Leadership (Wiley, in writing 2016, publication early 2017)
Higgs, M.J., & Rowland, D. A., (2011) What does it take to implement change successfully? A study of the behaviour of successful change leaders. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
Higgs, M. J., and Rowland, D. A., (2010) Emperors With Clothes On: The Role of Self-awareness
in Developing Effective Change Leadership', Journal of Change Management, 10: 4, 369 — 385
Higgs, M.J., and Rowland, D. (2008). Change Leadership that works: The role of positive Psychology. Organisations and People; 15,2,pp12-19
Higgs, M.J., and Rowland, D. (2008). Change leadership and global organizations: Challenges and Dilemmas. Strategic Change.
Higgs, M and Rowland, D. A., (2006) Leadership, Change and Learning, Organisations and People, February 2006, Vol.13, No. 1 pp 23-29.
Higgs, M. J., & Rowland, D. A., (2005). All changes great and small: Exploring approaches to change and its leadership. Journal of Change Management, 5, 121-151.
Higgs, M.J. and Rowland, D.A., (2002). Does it take EI to Lead Change. Journal of Gen Mgmt Vol 27, no 3.
Higgs, M.J. and Rowland, D. A., (2001). Developing Change Leaders: Assessing the impact of a development programme. Change Management Journal Volume Two, Number One, August 2001. ISSN 1469-7017
Higgs, M.J. and Rowland, D. A., (2000). Building Change Leadership Capability: ‘The Quest for Change Competence.’ Journal of Change Management. Volume One, Number Two, November 2000. ISSN 1469-7017
Higgs,M.J., and Rowland, D. A., (1993). All Pigs are Equal - Teamworking - Management Education and Development (January 1993)